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What is Vestry?

The Vestry is the governing board of the parish and consists of the Rector, the Wardens and lay members. The Vestry at Saint John’s has nine members. Each year at our Annual Meeting the congregation elects new members for three-year terms.

The Rector presides at meetings of the Vestry which handle the parish’s business and temporal matters. Additionally, the Vestry serves as a council of advice for the Rector. As its primary responsibility, the Vestry oversees the parish’s financial health. In partnership with the rector, it develops and approves the annual parish budget. The Vestry also serves as an advisory council to the rector who by church law is the parish’s chief liturgical and pastoral officer.

The Vestry meets in Saint John’s Library.

If you need to contact any Vestry Member, please contact the parish office at stjohns@chapelsjd.org or at 217-344-1924.


  1. Regular attendance at church services, participation in major parish events, including Confirmations, Bishop’s visits, and the Annual meeting to ensure visibility and to reinforce the event’s importance in the life of our parish. Provide accessibility.
  2. Maintain Pledge in good standing
  3. Serve as liaison to vestry for one committee.
  4. Be a good listener to all parishioners and bring their concerns to the priest/priest-in-charge/rector.
  5. Wear a nametag to lead by example and make visitors welcome.
  6. Speak of vestry decisions with one voice to support our ministries.
  7. Respect opinions that differ from our own to encourage honest expression.
  8. Silence cell phones during meetings and services. Do not check cell phones unless on emergency call.
  9. Harbor no resentment when others seem not to appreciate our commitment
  10. Protect our trust in one another by holding all confidences. Keep the specifics of our deliberations and votes confidential in order to promote and protect the free discussion of issues.
  11. When asked, be willing to stand with the priest at the back of the church and greet people as they leave following the service.

Our Vestry


Kelley Wegeng, Rector’s Warden
Chris Guyotte, Parish Warden
Richard Benton, Treasurer
Eileen Guest, Clerk and Parish Care
Jessica Conroy, Dinner’s for Eight
Charles Eames, Building Committee Chair and Ushers & AV Coordinator
Matt Frank, Hospitality Co-Chair
Beth Martin, Hospitality Co-Chair
Caroline Marzinzik, Children’s Sunday School
Joan Schuitema – Adult Education Liaison
Kip Thompson, Stewardship and Advertising Chair
Dillon Tracy, Sacristans Liaison
Ann Vaughen, Social Outreach Chair

Gloria Keeley, Assistant Treasurer
Matt Winters, Assistant Treasurer