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Campus Chaplaincy at the University of Illinois

Canterbury at UIUC

welcomes you to visit us and join with us in worship and fellowship.


We are a welcoming and open Christian community of students, faculty, and staff from the University of Illinois and Parkland College, who gather to worship, to discuss current issues from a Christian perspective, to serve the community through outreach, and to talk about the broader Christian Church and how we help shape it.

We wrestle with the call of the Gospel and what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ in a secular world. Some of us grew up in the Episcopal Church; others never went to an Episcopal church – or any church – before coming to UIUC or Parkland College.

We accept and welcome people from all places on their spiritual journeys. Coming from such different backgrounds, we have many perspectives on liturgy, Biblical interpretation, and current issues at our institution and in the world. As a community, we work to ensure that these differences become a strength. We prefer to emphasize what we have in common rather than those areas where we differ.

We come together to worship on Wednesdays at 5:15 p.m. at the Chapel of Saint John the Divine, located at the corner of Wright and Armory Streets, across the street from the Undergraduate Library on campus.

We celebrate Holy Eucharist together as a community, and during the fall and spring academic terms, we gather immediately following the service for a free, home cooked, dinner, and conversation.  Everyone is welcome!

Absolute faith is not a requirement in our church; an open heart and mind are. With us you belong before you believe and you will always be made to feel welcome and part of the group. Please come pray with us!

We also worship on Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. During the week, the Chapel is open for you to pray, read, contemplate, or meditate. We also invite you to come by and visit our Canterbury House, study, hang out with friends, have a soft drink, and generally hang out. Come visit us!

The attire for all of our services is casual.