The Chapel of Saint John the Divine is affiliated with the American branch of The Royal School of Church Music and has established a Chorister program for boys and girls according to the RSCM guidelines.
Unlike a typical children’s choir, the Choristers sing with the adult choir and are full participants in the music ministry of the church. Through immersion in liturgical music of the highest quality, the Choristers learn the techniques of singing and score reading and develop an understanding of the Liturgy and the lessons of the church year. The Choristers’ motto is: “I will sing with the spirit and with the understanding also.”

The Choristers In Training program is established for children of the Parish from the first grade upwards who aspire to become full choristers. The basics of singing, music reading and church decorum are taught, preparing each child for full participation as a Chorister. The Choristers In Training will sing with the Choristers and the full Choir on special occasions.
Bless, O Lord, us Thy servants that minister in Thy temple. Grant that what we sing with our lips we may believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our hearts we may show forth in our lives. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
—Chorister’s Prayer

If you would like to discuss membership in the Choristers with the Organist/Choirmaster, please contact Linda Buzard at (217) 344-3426 or through e-mail: