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Time and Talent

2025 Time and Talent Offerings - Awakened Through Service

Use this form to select any ways you are or would like to offer your time and talents to the work of God in and through The Chapel of Saint John the Divine.

  • (One person per form, please.)
    This group includes volunteering to provide pastoral care to those in need and serving as a Eucharistic Visitor, taking communion to homebound parishioners.
    This internal ministry coordinates and provides care for our members. Meals for the family of a new baby, transportation or companionship for someone undergoing medical treatment, or bringing a nondriver to church are just a few examples.
    This ministry encompasses weekly coffee hour, receptions for special events and funerals, and hosting parish-wide gatherings at your home. If you enjoy planning or hosting events, cooking, decorating, or caring for others through food, this is the place for you!
    One can be a convener of a group of eight who share dinner together once per month or simply a participant.
    This ministry works to ensure excellent stewardship of our property, including maintenance and emergencies.
    This committee is focused on replacing Canterbury House, preparing for a capital campaign, and construction.
    The Stewardship ministry organizes our annual stewardship campaign, soliciting current tithing members to share brief reflections on The Chapel, writing the annual solicitation letter, and following up with members who have not turned in their annual pledge.
    This ministry works on developing the annual budget, provides advice to the vestry on financial matters, and may assist with special projects. If you have experience working with large budgets or banking/financial expertise, this may be a good fit for you.
    Members involved in social outreach assist in designating outreach funds for various community partners, organize member volunteer opportunities, and identify needs in the community The Chapel may be able to fulfill.
    Our newest ministry is focused on addressing climate change through the choices we make at The Chapel and in our individual lives.
    This ministry assists the rector and staff with internal and external communications and updating the web site.
    This internal ministry is focused on Christian education either for adults or children. For adult education, one could help teach or co-teach a class, or facilitate a gathering. These include Confirmation classes, adult Sunday School, and book studies. Children’s Christian education* (Sunday School) has included Children’s Church* and children’s Sunday School.* This work is ideal for someone with specific knowledge related to being Episcopalian, theology, and/or working with young people. *All volunteers who work with children must be 16 or older, complete an online abuse prevention module called “Safeguarding God’s Children” and pass a comprehensive background check.
    This ministry is dedicated to building our relationship with the university and its students. There are opportunities to cook a weekly meal, invite a student into your home during short breaks or holidays, transportation to the airport, Quad Day, and to offer support for services.
    Are you great at small talk? Love meeting new people? Activities of this ministry would include being a designated Chapel ambassador for visitors, hosting a new-member welcome gathering two to three times a year, and developing materials and swag for visitors.
    This can include being a representative at Diocesan Synod, or serving at a diocesan level.
    The Sunday morning experience requires many volunteers including the choir, ushers who greet people as they arrive, A/V team who facilitate livestreaming, and those who serve at the altar including Eucharistic ministers, lectors, thurifers, crucifers. Sacristans ensure our altar area is ready for worship. None of these roles are gender specific, and we will happily train those who are new to the task.

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