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Worship In-Person

We are worshipping in-person on Sundays at 8 am and 10 am, and Wednesdays at 5:15 pm!

More information:
The Chapel reopened for public worship on May 9.  We made commitments up-front to keep everyone safe. We invite you to make these commitments with us!
We are masked. At all in-person worship services, everyone (including those serving) are required to wear a mask during the whole service. The exception is the person preaching during the sermon itself.
We remain socially distanced. Chairs are set up at the requisite distances. We will pass the peace with each other at a distance.
We have an ionizer that does not allow anything living to pass through the air handler. In other words, we will have something approaching hospital grade air filtration.
We use comprehensive service leaflets instead of hymnals (and prayer books) to observe the best sanitary practices. 
We have limited persons serving at the altar through the month of July. This means the ministry of our lectors, torchbearers, and crucifers is on hold for the time being. 
We need your help making this happen! We need our ushers to ush, our altar servers to serve, our AV techs, to be AV techs.
We receive communion in one kind until receiving the wine is possible again. 
We receive communion standing, one person at a time, and physically distanced from each other, at the normal time during the service.
We ALSO offer communion AFTER the 10 am service on Sundays (in addition to during the service) for those who wish to come to the church after the 10 am livestream and receive communion. The presumption is that those who receive after will participate in watching the service online before receiving. Either Fr. Sean or Deacon Maeve will serve communion until 11:30 am.
We reserve seats for visitors and newcomers! 
We encourage you to get vaccinated. Your being vaccinated makes church attendance safe for everyone!
We will stay home if we are sick. Seriously. Stay home if you’re sick, even if you don’t have COVID-19.
We provide an outdoor Eucharist on Wednesdays to offer worship for families concerned about bringing children who are presently ineligible for vaccination, for our handful of students who will be here this summer, and for anyone who wishes not to worship indoors. Outdoor worship will begin May 12 on the front lawn and will continue at least through Wednesday, August 18.
We continue to broadcast our Sunday at 10 am service online, and pre-recorded Evening Prayer services continue to be streamed on Wednesdays and Fridays. The Wednesday Eucharist at 5:15 pm and the 8 am Sunday Eucharist will not be livestreamed.
More about:
Sundays at 8 am. This will be a spoken service with priest, server, and those gathered, which numbers under 20. The total number of people who may attend will be 30 plus those who are serving.
Sundays at 10 am. This will be a sung service with priest, server, deacon, choir, ushers, A/V technician, and those gathered, and the service will continue to be livestreamed. 
Wednesdays at 5:15 pm. This will be an abbreviated spoken service with priest, and server, as well as those gathered. This service of Holy Eucharist will NOT be livestreamed (even though the pre-recorded evening prayer service will be!)